Effective January 1, 2011, the fines for an Illinois DUI have increased by $250.00. Keep in mind that the fine is just one cost of a DUI. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, the cost of a DUI offense can be as much as $19,000 when all expenses are taken into account.
When you are arrested for DUI, the meter starts running. Your vehicle will be towed and you will be required to pay the tow fine in order to recover it. You must post bond (bail) in order to avoid being detained in jail.
If you are found guilty of DUI, you must pay a fine. The fine varies by county. A Springfield Illinois DUI will cost $1,530 as of January 1, 2011 for a first offender who receives court supervision.
Upon receiving court supervision, you must obtain a drug and alcohol evaluation. You must then complete all the risk education and alcohol counseling that the evaluator recommends.
If your license is suspended due to refusing to take the breath test or registering over the legal limit of .08, you must, if you wish to drive during the period of the suspension, obtain an MDDP and install a BAIID at your expense. You must pay a fee to the BAIID installer and to the Illinois Secretary of State. In addition, once the suspension ends, you must pay the Secretary of State a reinstatement fee.