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The United States postmaster assigned to Springfield Illinois was arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). DUI arrests typically follows a similar pattern.

At the time of any traffic stop, the officer will be looking for signs of impaired driving. One of the early indicators of impaired driving involves the nature of the traffic offense. Studies have shown that driving too slowly, weaving and making wide turns are some of the most common indications of alcohol impairment that result in a DUI arrest.

Another phase in the analysis comes about during the initial face-to-face contact. At that juncture, the officer may notice slurred speech, bloodshot watery eyes and confusion. The driver may be disoriented as to destination, location, date and time.

As in any traffic stop, the officer will request a driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. Difficulty locating and producing these items (fumbling, dropping, producing the wrong thing) will be scored against the driver.

No doubt the officer will eventually ask about alcohol consumption. Rather than asking if the driver has been drinking, the officer will ordinarily ask a more leading question, how much have you had to drink tonight? Most commonly the answer is a couple or nothing. A denial of any alcohol consumption will bring out a skeptical response from the police, such as, are you sure, I can smell it on your breath?

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Many arrests in Illinois for Driving Under the Influence (DUI)are recorded by a camera affixed to the dash of the officer’s squad car. In fact, Illinois State Police are required to record all DUI arrests and preserve the video. However, court cases have stated that there are no consequences for the failure of the Illinois State Police to record an arrest.

In the case of People v. Kladis, 2011 IL 110920, 960 N.E.2d 1104, 355 Ill. Dec. 933, the Illinois Supreme Court addressed the consequences of the state failing to preserve a video even though the defense lawyer made a timely request for its preservation.

Five days after her arrest and 25 days prior to the first appearance, Defendant filed a Petition to Rescind the SSS and also served on the state a notice pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 237 (b) requesting production of all in-custody videotapes. At the first appearance, the videotape was not present.

The arresting officer testified that he had activated his dash camera prior to making the stop and described what the camera captured, namely, the substance of the arrest. The hearing was continued to a later date but not before defense counsel requested discovery pursuant to People v. Schmidt, 56 Ill.2d 572, 309 N.E.2d 557 (1974).

When the parties returned to court at the later date, the state advised the court that the video had been destroyed only hours prior to the first appearance, in accordance with departmental policy. The state did not dispute that it had received defendant’s Rule 237 notice prior to destruction of the video.

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Court supervision in Illinois is a valuable tool. For example, a conviction for Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, requires the Illinois Secretary of State to revoke your driver’s license, which is more severe than a driver’s license suspension. 625 ILCS 5/6-205

Unlike a driver’s license suspension, which ends automatically, restoration of driving privileges following a driver’s license revocation requires an administrative hearing with the Illinois Secretary of State. Such a hearing entails obtaining a drug and alcohol evaluation, possibly completing a 10-hour driver risk education course, as well as anywhere from 20 to 75 hours of alcohol counseling.

Furthermore, if you are high risk dependent (alcoholic), you will be required to stop drinking for at least a year before being eligible for driving relief. In addition, you must demonstrate to the Secretary of State that you have developed a support program to help you remain completely alcohol free for the remainder of your life.

Those who are dependent must also, through testimony or letters, prove from at least three independent sources their claim that they have not consumed alcohol for at least 12 consecutive months before the hearing. Similarly, they must provide letters or testimony from at least three members of their support group to explain their participation in the support program. Continue reading →

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Driving Under the Influence (DUI, DWI, drunk driving) in Illinois is illegal under several different scenarios. You can be charged with organic DUI, or in other words, DUI based upon proof of alcohol impairment. This is shown by the police officer’s observation of your actions and conduct from the moment you are stopped to the time he releases you at the jail.

These garden variety observations for signs of a possible Illinois DUI arrest include how to conduct yourself leading up to the stop. Covered here would be how quickly you pulled over, your maneuvers while pulling over and your parking.

The officer would also observe your performance before exiting the vehicle. Here the police would be looking for any difficulties in retrieving your drivers’ license, insurance card and registration. It would extend to your ability to follow his instructions, to engage in a cogent conversation and to understand your location and surroundings. Finally, your speech, the condition of your eyes and your general physical appearance would come into play.

The next step in the observations is the so-called exit sequence. That would cover things such as any assistance you required in stepping out of the vehicle and in walking to the squad car. Moreover the officer would take your balance and coordination into account.

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The Illinois DUI law does not say that you must be “driving” a motor vehicle to be charged with DUI. The law reads in part: “A person shall not drive or be in actual physical control of any vehicle within this State while” (under the influence).

One issue involves what is a “vehicle”. Keep in mind, the law does not limit the offense to something that requires a license to drive or that requires having a license plate.

Any device or implement for transporting human beings, other than human powered devices and snowmobiles, is a “vehicle” (625 ILCS 5/1-217) As such, it is illegal to operate that device while under the influence. This includes tractors, riding lawn mowers, moped and ATV’s. 296 People v. Martinez, 296 Ill. App. 3d 330, 694 N.E.2d 1084, 230 Ill. Dec. 806, 1998 WL 229582 (1998) However, a bicycle, being human-powered, is not a “vehicle” and therefore not subject to the DUI laws. Standard Mut. Ins. Co. v. Rogers, 381 Ill. App. 3d 196, 884 N.E.2d 845, 318 Ill. Dec. 877, 2008 WL 795294 (2008)

Another aspect of the offense of DUI (Driving Under the Influence) involves where and when it is illegal. In that connection, the law makes it illegal to drive under the influence “within this State”. Given this language, Illinois courts have held that DUI is a crime even if committed on private property. People v. Bailey, 243 Ill. App. 3d 871, 612 N.E.2d 960, 184 Ill. Dec. 84, 1993 WL 127621 (1993)

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The offense of Driving Under the Influence (DUI, which is the same as DWI or Drunk Driving but the legal term is DUI) most often involves alcohol. However, under Illinois DUI law, it also covers other offenses.

The standard and classic DUI involves being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Grounds for an arrest may include evidence of bad driving, poor balance and coordination, substandard performance on standardized field sobriety tests and other general observations of the police officer, such as slurred speech and bloodshot eyes.

A second type of alcohol-related DUI offense involves what are known as “per se” charges. This is a Latin phrase that essential means “automatic”.

The prosecutor may lack the evidence needed to convict you of DUI under the situations described above. However, the per se law says it is also DUI for you to drive with a blood alcohol level (BAL) of 08% or more. This charge can be proven by blood or breath tests, both of which are known as “chemical tests”.

Chemical tests are different from the preliminary breath test (PBT) . The PTB is administered in connection with the process that involves determining whether or not you are going to be arrested for DUI.

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Regardless of a driver’s age, anyone in Illinois charged with Driving Under the Influence (or DUI,DWI or drunk driving-it all means the same thing) is facing some potentially serious legal consequences. Those become more severe as the number of prior offenses mount. And for someone who is under 21 at the time of the offense, even a first offense has the potential to create serious driver’s license consequences under Illinois law.

The first DUI charge is a class-A misdemeanor that may result in a fine of up to $2,500. Furthermore, in addition to, or instead of a fine, the judge may impose a sentence of up to 364 days in the county jail. 625 ILCS 5/11-501
Aggravating factors, such as a death or serious injury, can boost even a first offense to the felony level and three to seven years in prison. In the case of death, the court may impose imprisonment terms of up to fourteen years under felony enhancement provisions.

A second but related issue involves driver’s license suspensions and revocations. A suspension is a less severe sanction to the extent that once the period of time under the suspension is over, your license is automatically restored upon payment of the appropriate fee, provided your license is otherwise valid.

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It is never a good or fun thing to be arrested for Driving Under the Influence (or DUI) in Illinois. There will be fines and maybe jail time, alcohol classes and legal fees. Moreover, there will be driver’s license consequences from an Illinois DUI arrest.

As the DUI arrests pile up, the driver’s license consequences grow more severe with each arrest and with each conviction. A rather extreme example involves a Madison County Illinois woman who has been arrested for DUI on four occasions in three years.

Supposing that for the first offense, she was granted court supervision. Keep in mind that only a first offender has even a chance for DUI supervision.

Anyone who has been: previously convicted of DUI; received court supervision for DUI; been charged with a DUI that was reduced down to reckless driving; or been charged with a DUI that was dismissed but who incurred a statutory summary suspension (SSS) either for registering a blood alcohol level (BAL) of at least .08 or who refused to take a test, is ineligible for supervision, unless they took a test for the prior DUI and a judge or jury entered a finding of not guilty.

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Illinois driver’s license law requires most individuals who wish to operate a vehicle on the public roadways of Illinois to possess a valid driver’s license issued by Illinois. (625 ILCS 5/6-101) Moreover, under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution, Illinois must recognize a driver’s license issued by any other state.

At this juncture, a word about an International Driver’s License is in order. The ones that you buy on the Internet are worthless and afford you no legal protection.

These should be distinguished from the International Driver’s License that the Illinois Secretary of State will issue to a driver from another country who provides proof that they hold a valid foreign license. In reality, what the Secretary of State does is issue the foreign national a temporary Illinois driver’s license that is backed up by a valid license from another country, which is what distinguishes it from the Internet junk.

Back to the matter at hand, let’s suppose you do not have a valid license, either because you never obtained one or the one you had has expired or been canceled for some reason. If you are caught driving, you are guilty of the offense of driving without a valid license.

While somewhat serious, a conviction for this offense will probably not land you in jail. Most prosecutors will in fact dismiss the ticket if you are able to obtain a valid license for court. And even absent that, you are likely to receive court supervision, at least for a first or second offense.

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Under Illinois law, a licensed driver under the age of 21 (hereinafter “youthful offender”; “minor” is not the correct term because the age of majority in Illinois is 21) faces additional issues when alcohol or drug use enters the legal system.

Starting with the offense of Driving Under the Influence (also known as DUI, DWI or drunk driving), any driver who is arrested for DUI will be asked to submit to a chemical test (either breath or alcohol) to determine the Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). The results of the test are admissible to prove the offense of DUI with a BAL of .08 or higher. (625 ILCS 5/11-501.2)

This type of DUI does not require proof of intoxication. The act of operating a vehicle with an excessive BAL is in and of itself a crime. (625 ILCS 5/11-501) However, as a practical matter, a jury may be reluctant to convict a driver of DUI when, other than the BAL reading, the driver appears to be sober.

This argument does not help a youthful offender. They are subject to the “zero tolerance” (ZT) law. The ZT law provides that a youthful offender who has an alcohol reading above zero is in automatic violation of the ZT law. The state need not present evidence that the driver was impaired. Or that the driver’s BAC was a specific level as long as it is above zero.

And the youthful offender does not have a right to contest the ticket in court. This can only occur in a hearing with the Secretary of State in which the issues are extremely narrow:

(1) whether the police officer had probable cause to believe that the person was driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle
(2) whether the person was issued a Uniform Traffic Ticket
(3) whether the police officer had probable cause to believe that the driver had consumed any amount of an alcoholic beverage
(4) whether the person refused or if not a refusal, whether the person registered above 0.00 (625 ILCS 11-501.8)

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