The United States postmaster assigned to Springfield Illinois was arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). DUI arrests typically follows a similar pattern.
At the time of any traffic stop, the officer will be looking for signs of impaired driving. One of the early indicators of impaired driving involves the nature of the traffic offense. Studies have shown that driving too slowly, weaving and making wide turns are some of the most common indications of alcohol impairment that result in a DUI arrest.
Another phase in the analysis comes about during the initial face-to-face contact. At that juncture, the officer may notice slurred speech, bloodshot watery eyes and confusion. The driver may be disoriented as to destination, location, date and time.
As in any traffic stop, the officer will request a driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. Difficulty locating and producing these items (fumbling, dropping, producing the wrong thing) will be scored against the driver.
No doubt the officer will eventually ask about alcohol consumption. Rather than asking if the driver has been drinking, the officer will ordinarily ask a more leading question, how much have you had to drink tonight? Most commonly the answer is a couple or nothing. A denial of any alcohol consumption will bring out a skeptical response from the police, such as, are you sure, I can smell it on your breath?