With St. Patrick’s Day approaching, now is a good time to understand your rights if you are arrested for DUI in Springfield Illinois. Many of these arrests occur when a driver encounters a DUI roadblock. Instead of referring to it as a roadblock, police use the term “roadside safety check”. That sounds so nice; after all, who could object to something done for “safety”?
The federal government encourages these intrusions on your privacy, as most of them are funded from grants through the United Stated Department of Transportation. Last St. Patrick’s Day, Springfield Illinois DUI roadblocks were set up.
Fortunately, in order to protect its citizens from Gestapo-like tactics (“may I see your papers”), the courts have established some ground rules for implementation of the roadblocks. A rogue cowboy cop out on the street cannot decide it’s a good time to establish a DUI roadblock. Rather, a supervisor must select the site for the roadblock.
Furthermore, the supervisor cannot decide at 5:00 in the evening that now is a good time for roadblocks. The intention to establish one must be made apparent to the public in advance. That is why you will often read in the newspaper or hear on the radio or television of the authorities’ intention to set up a roadblock.