
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg


Your out of state license is on hold because the national registry (PDPS) flagged an Illinois Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

You are probably reading this because the state in which you now reside either will not renew an existing license or will not issue an original one because the national registry has “flagged” an Illinois DUI. Your state’s DMV has informed you that before it can issue you a license,…


Breath Alcohol Interlock Ignition Device (BAIID) not always required for Illinois Driving Under the Influence (DUI) convictions

Not every person who has a Driving Under the Influence conviction (DUI) is required to have the Breath Alcohol Interlock Ignition Device (BAIID) (“breath machine” or “blow machine”). The Breath Alcohol Interlock Ignition Device (BAIID) comes into play in many but not all Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) and reinstatement cases.…


Reinstating Illinois driver’s license due to DUI does not always require Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

You are not always required to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings (AA) in order to reinstate your driver’s license or obtain a work permit (RDP) after losing your license due to a DUI. Only if an alcohol or drug counselor or treatment provider has identified you as alcohol or drug dependent…

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