
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg


Simple things to keep in mind if you are arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Illinois

In Illinois, the county coroner’s office works with various police agencies within the coroner’s county. This recent article in the Chicago Sun-Times online concerns the deputy coroner of Will County Illinois (suburban Chicago) who was arrested on suspicion of DUI. If the police report is accurate, she seemed to imply…

Posted in: DUI

Sam Shepard faces first offender consequences from Illinois DUI

If this is your first Illinois DUI arrest, things may not be as bad as they could be. The sentence that celebrity playwright and actor Sam Shepard received for his Bloomington, Illinois DUI arrest is fairly typical for first offenders. The term “first offender” has two very different meanings for…


In Illinois, blood test results are admissible in a prosecution for Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

An emergency room nurse in Chicago recently refused to draw blood from a patient at the request of police. The police suspected alcohol caused the accident for which the accused sought medical care. The nurse insisted on first consulting her supervisor, and the article focused on the her lawsuit against…

Posted in: DUI

If you have a lifetime revocation of your Illinois Driver’s License, you will be unable to obtain a driver’s license in another state

Illinois has a “four strikes” lifetime driver’s license revocation if you meet certain criteria. The factors that must be present for the lifetime revocation to apply are: 1) Your Illinois driver’s license is revoked because of a DUI. 2) You have four (4) or more DUI convictions. This includes convictions…


The Illinois Secretary of State can suspend your driver’s license due to drinking tickets or a fake ID

The Illinois Zero Tolerance (ZT) Law provides that if you are under the age of 21 years and are stopped for a traffic violation and the police suspect you may have been drinking, they are entitled to ask you to take a breath, blood or urine test to determine if…

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