Illinois DUI lawyers are often asked about statutes of limitations. A statute of limitations restricts the time in which the state can charge you. In that connection, there are two separate but related issues. If you are accused of a misdemeanor (fewer than three previous DUI offenses), the state has…
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg
Illinois DUI and felony
Repeat DUI offenses can result in felony charges, leading to prison time, as much as 30 years in some situations. As you ask yourself, should I hire an Illinois DUI lawyer for a first offense, keep in mind the following information. It demonstrates that previous DUI offenses can come back…
Illinois DUI hold on out of state driver’s license
Recently, a Pennsylvania man was penalized for a 1985 DUI. The driver was arrested for DUI while visiting Maine in 1985 and satisfied all the requirements of the state of Maine. However, because of bureaucratic confusion, the DUI was not reported to Pennsylvania, the state where he held a driver’s…
Choosing an Illinois Driver’s License Reinstatement Lawyer
You work hard for your money and do not want to waste it. If you lose your driver’s license, you may be tempted to have attend a Secretary of State driver’s license hearing without the benefit of a lawyer You may have been told to attend the first hearing on…
DUI arrest statistics show increase in female offenders
Any experienced Illinois DUI lawyer can tell you that the overwhelming majority of those arrested for DUI are male. Some reasons for this are that men drive more miles than women, men are under more pressure as they are typically the primary breadwinners of a family, men take greater risks…
When it comes to Illinois DUI, your problems do not end with the courts
If you are arrested for an Illinois DUI, two things are at risk. The first is your liberty and property; the second is your driver’s license. DUI is a crime. As such, you are subject to fines and possible jail time if you are convicted of DUI. For a first…
Illinois DUI arrests and traffic offenses for CDL holders
A commercial driver’s license (“CDL”) is in essence a trucker’s license. In order to obtain a CDL, you must pass a number of written and driving tests administered by the Illinois Secretary of State. What may surprise you as a CDL holder is that you can lose your CDL for…
Multiple DUI Offenders in Illinois
Someone with multiple DUI convictions in Illinois may be charged with a felony and could be sent to prison. In addition, their driver’s license will be revoked either for 5 years, 10 years or life. Illinois DUI law provides for escalating criminal penalties for each new DUI charge. In the…
Illinois DUI crash leads to arrest
A woman in Galesburg, Illinois was recently arrested for DUI after an accident. The driver fled on foot but police later apprehended her. She was arrested and transported to the hospital for treatment of her injuries. While the police were no doubt concerned about the driver’s safety, they had a…
Two Springfield Illinois DUI cops among most active in the state
Two Springfield DUI police officers are among the Top 15 for DUI arrests in Illinois. These figures come from the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AIIM). AIIM’S name suggests that it is a “grass-roots” organization. However, the fine print on its web page reveals that AIIM is nothing but a government-sponsored…