
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg


Waiting period for Illinois driver’s license hearings after a DUI

In Illinois, there are two different types of actions that the state can take against your driver’s license due to DUI. You will receive a driver’s license suspension, a driver’s license revocation or both. A suspension has a specific ending date. When the suspension date arrives, the suspension ends after…


Court Supervision for an Illinois DUI

Much confusion and misinformation exists about how the Illinois Secretary of State will handle a disposition of court supervision following an Illinois DUI arrest. In addition, many people do not understand the difference between supervision, probation and conditional charge for the purpose of Illinois DUI law. It is worth repeating…


Second Illinois DUI arrest for Walgreen Company Chief Financial Officer

Wade Miquelon, the Chief Financial Officer for Walgreen Company was arrested in Kenilworth, Illinois for DUI. The chief financial officer for a company is one of its highest ranking officials. Kenilworth is one of the wealthiest suburbs in the United States. This is Miquelon’s second DUI arrest in less than…

Posted in: DUI
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