
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg


Court supervision restrictions, including DUI, in Illinois

Court supervision in Illinois is a valuable tool. For example, a conviction for Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, requires the Illinois Secretary of State to revoke your driver’s license, which is more severe than a driver’s license suspension. 625 ILCS 5/6-205 Unlike a driver’s license suspension, which ends automatically,…

Posted in: DUI

Four DUI arrests in three years will lead to driver’s license consequences for Illinois woman

It is never a good or fun thing to be arrested for Driving Under the Influence (or DUI) in Illinois. There will be fines and maybe jail time, alcohol classes and legal fees. Moreover, there will be driver’s license consequences from an Illinois DUI arrest. As the DUI arrests pile…


Driving without a license

Illinois driver’s license law requires most individuals who wish to operate a vehicle on the public roadways of Illinois to possess a valid driver’s license issued by Illinois. (625 ILCS 5/6-101) Moreover, under the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution, Illinois must recognize a driver’s license…


Youthful offenders face added driver’s license consequences for alcohol-related offenses

Under Illinois law, a licensed driver under the age of 21 (hereinafter “youthful offender”; “minor” is not the correct term because the age of majority in Illinois is 21) faces additional issues when alcohol or drug use enters the legal system. Starting with the offense of Driving Under the Influence…

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