
Illinois DUI Lawyer Blawg


Michigan Probe into Contractor That Calibrates Breathalyzer Machines Called Into Question

In the majority of DUI investigations, the investigating officer will administer a breath test to the DUI suspect via a breathalyzer machine. Thus, the prosecution’s sole or primary evidence in many DUI cases are the results of a breath test. Accordingly, the results must be accurate. Recently, however, it came…


Proposed Law Seeks to Make Ignition Interlock Devices Mandatory in New Vehicles in Illinois and Elsewhere

In some instances, when a person is convicted of a DUI offense, the person is required to install an ignition interlock device in his or her vehicle. Essentially, the device prevents people from driving while intoxicated by requiring them to submit to a breath test prior to driving. While ignition…


State Legislature Contemplates Modifying DUI Laws to Make it Legal to Sleep in Vehicles While Intoxicated

Many people are unaware of the fact that in most states, you can be charged with a DUI offense for sleeping in your car while intoxicated. Specifically, the law in many states dictates that a person can be charged with DUI if they are in actual physical control of a…


Recent Study Shows Legalization of Marijuana Reduces Alcohol-Related Crashes in Neighboring States

While the use of marijuana for recreational purposes is legal in a handful of states, many of their conservative neighboring states are not inclined to legalize marijuana. Additionally, many states that neighbor states where marijuana use is legal have expressed concerns regarding how the legalization of marijuana use outside of…


States Assessing the Impact of Legalization of Marijuana on DUIs and Other Crimes

While the use of marijuana is legal in many states throughout the nation, it has not been permitted for long, and the effects of the legalization of marijuana have only recently begun to be apparent. For example, Washington reporters recently assessed the consequences of the legalization of marijuana and laws…


North Carolina Brings Attention to Auto Brewery Syndrome as a Defense in DUI Cases

North Carolina recently called attention to a rare but notable condition that can affect DUI cases:  auto-brewery syndrome. Although not many people suffer from the condition, it can cause unwarranted DUI arrests and convictions. While some courts throughout the country have been faced with the auto-brewery defense, it has not…


Woman Highlights Harm Caused by Inappropriate DUI Arrests

Although most police officers are thoroughly trained in the signs of intoxication, their actions do not always comport with their training. For example, a woman in Phoenix, Arizona, was recently detained and charged with DUI despite the fact there was no evidence that she was intoxicated. The woman subsequently filed…

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