
DUI Checkpoints in Illinois Result in Multiple Arrests

While many DUI arrests arise out of traffic stops, some are the result of DUI checkpoints. In most states, including Illinois, law enforcement agents have the right to conduct such checkpoints and often do so during the times of year when people are more likely to drive while intoxicated, like holidays and the summer. Regardless of when they conduct DUI checkpoints, though, they must abide by proper procedures. Recently, DUI checkpoints in Illinois resulted in numerous arrests and citations, but it is unclear at this point whether there are grounds for challenging any of the arrests. If you are faced with accusations that you drove while intoxicated, it is advisable to meet with an Illinois DUI defense lawyer to assess your options.

Illinois DUI Checkpoints Yield Arrests

It is alleged that in April, Illinois State Police conducted five nighttime roadside checkpoints, resulting in two DUI arrests and a total of 142 citations and arrests. These citations encompassed a range of offenses, including violations related to registration, driver’s licenses, insurance, and seat belt usage, as indicated in a news release.

It is reported that the checkpoints, managed by the Illinois State Police, were stationed at various locations, each yielding different numbers of citations and arrests. The checkpoints commenced late on the first day and concluded early on the second day of operation. Additionally, troopers issued 49 written warnings as part of the enforcement effort.

Illinois Law Regarding DUI Checkpoints

In Illinois, the law allows law enforcement agencies to establish DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints, also known as sobriety checkpoints or roadblocks, are set up at predetermined locations to detect and deter impaired driving. At these checkpoints, officers stop vehicles at random to assess drivers for signs of intoxication.

However, the law requires that certain guidelines be followed when conducting these checkpoints to ensure that they are carried out in a fair and constitutional manner. This includes providing advance notice to the public about the checkpoint locations and ensuring that the stops are brief and non-intrusive unless there is reasonable suspicion of impairment. Additionally, officers must adhere to strict procedures to avoid arbitrary stops and protect individuals’ rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.

While presented as a measure to enhance road safety, DUI checkpoints raise important legal considerations. Specifically, any deviation from these protocols could lead to violations of due process and constitutional rights, which could be grounds for challenging DUI charges stemming from checkpoint encounters.

Meet with a Trusted Illinois DUI Defense Attorney

While the police have the right to conduct DUI checkpoints in Illinois, they cannot violate people’s rights when doing so, and if they overstep their bounds, any arrests arising out of such behavior may be deemed unlawful. If you are accused of committing a DUI offense, it is wise to meet with an attorney to discuss your case. Attorney Theodore J. Harvatin of the Harvatin Law Offices, PC, is a trusted DUI defense lawyer with the skills and knowledge needed to help you seek a just outcome. You can contact Mr. Harvatin by calling 217.525.0520 or using the online form to arrange a conference.

Posted in: DUI
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