Articles Posted in DUI


Massachusetts Court Rules Smell of Marijuana Alone is Not Sufficient Grounds for a Traffic Stop

Illinois, like many states, legalized the recreational use of marijuana. With that change in law, though, comes confusion regarding what constitutes reasonable cause to stop a person for a marijuana-related driving offense. Recently, the Supreme Court of Illinois provided some clarity, ruling that the smell of marijuana, in and of…


Massachusetts Law Impacts Commercial Drivers with Decades Old DUI Convictions

While a DUI conviction can negatively impact anyone’s life, for people who drive for a living, the effects are often devastating. For example, in recent months, Massachusetts faced public scrutiny due to the sudden revocation of hundreds of commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs), impacting the livelihoods of many truck and bus…

Posted in: DUI

Illinois Police Intensify Efforts to Combat DUI Last Weekend of the Summer

While the Illinois police are generally on the lookout for intoxicated motorists throughout the year, they often increase their efforts around certain times of the year. For example, a recent report indicated they will conduct a coordinated DUI enforcement campaign throughout the state over Labor Day weekend. While such efforts…

Posted in: DUI

Tennessee Processing Issues Lead to DUI Charges Against Sober Drivers

In many states, including Tennessee, law enforcement officers can arrest individuals for DUI based on observed behavior that suggests intoxication without needing a blood test. While a blood test might later prove innocence, the initial arrest can lead to severe consequences. Recent issues in Tennessee exemplify this issue, as numerous…

Posted in: DUI
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