
Alabama Legislature Attempts to Change DUI Law

In most states, people convicted of DUI offenses face a number of civil and criminal penalties. Among other things, many states require people found guilty of DUI crimes to install ignition interlock devices on their cars. Recently, the Alabama legislature introduced a bill that aimed to remove the requirement. While the legislation ultimately stalled, it could be a sign of changes to come in Alabama and in other states. If you are accused of a DUI offense in Illinois, it is wise to talk to an Illinois DUI defense attorney about what defenses you may be able to assert.

The Proposed Alabama Law

It is reported that SB72, a bill introduced in the Alabama statehouse, was posed to change how the state penalized people convicted of DUI crimes. The bill focuses on ignition interlock devices, which prevent a car from starting if the driver is impaired. Currently, those charged with drunk driving participating in a pretrial diversion program are required to have the device installed in their vehicle. The existing law will sunset in July, however, and the proposed bill would end the requirement entirely after that.

It is alleged that supporters of the change argued that judges should have discretion in DUI cases and not be bound by a mandate. On the other hand, groups advocating against drunk driving express concern that removing the requirement could lead to more drunk driving incidents and believe that ignition interlock devices are effective in saving lives. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency also supported the extension of the requirement, stating that it would negatively impact public safety without it.

Illinois’ Ignition Interlock Rules

Illinois law requires the installation of ignition interlock devices (IIDs) for certain DUI offenders as part of the Monitoring Device Driving Permit program. Under this law, individuals convicted of their first DUI offense can apply for an MDDP, which allows them to drive with an IID installed in their vehicle during the statutory summary suspension period.

For first-time DUI offenders, IIDs are mandatory if they want driving relief during the suspension. The duration of the IID requirement depends on the BAC level at the time of arrest. If the BAC was 0.15% or above, the offender must use the IID for six months. If the BAC was between 0.08% and 0.14%, the requirement is for only one month.

For repeat DUI offenders or those with prior statutory summary suspensions, IIDs may be required as a condition of obtaining a Restricted Driving Permit or full reinstatement of their driving privileges. Failure to comply with the IID requirement can result in license suspension or other penalties.

Talk to a Skilled  Illinois DUI Defense Attorney

In addition to potentially facing fines and jail time, people convicted of DUI crimes may have their driving privileges suspended or limited. If you are charged with a DUI crime, it is smart to talk to an attorney about your rights. Attorney Theodore J. Harvatin of the Harvatin Law Offices, PC, is a skilled DUI defense lawyer who is well-equipped to help you mount a compelling defense. You can reach Mr. Harvatin by calling 217.525.0520 or using the online form to set up a meeting.

Posted in: DUI
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